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Service and Products Google is Providing

Here is the complete list of Google Products that people in 2018 also think that they know everything but they do not know about these amazing products that are from Google but they do not know that they exist. I am giving this information out to understand if there are any issues you can refer to this.

Google Search:

The World’s heaviest And most optimized Search Engine For Global Area Network.

Google Videos search:

Search For billions of videos by a query from Google Videos.

Google Books search:

Search for any kind of Book by query right from google books.

Image Search:

The most reliable and comprehensive image search that enables us to search for pictures instead of text.

Google News and News Archive Search:

Vast headlines and a search engine to search for many world’s news sources. News archive search serves an easy way to search and explore the history of various countries. News Timeline is a web-based application that organizes information.

Google Toolbar:

Enables us to use Google search in internet explorer, Firefox, and many other browsers.

Google In Quotes, inurl, in body, intitle etc.:

Enables us to refine our search by adding above search modifiers, inurl is used for URL search, inbody for searching in a body, intitle for searching query intitle there are many more.

Google Suggest:

Google Suggest Let you choose your query from suggestions, Suggestions come from real-time user searched query.

Google App Engine:

Enables your mini search box works like google search. Now it is being used by many different sites like w3school etc.

Google Aardvark:

A search engine where people interacts and answers each other’s questions.

Google Custom Search Engine & Google Subscribed   Links:

Google Custom Search Engine and Subscribed   Links enable you to design a search engine according to your need that helps you in creating custom, search results which users can add to their search bar.

Google Books NgramsViewer:

When a phrase in the Google Books Ngram Viewer is   entered, it displays a graph showing how those phrases occurs in a corpus of books over the selected years.

Google Book:

Google Book enables you to search Search and read millions of books from various libraries and   publishers of the world.

Google Blog Search:

Blog Search is a search bar designed by Google to   enable easy search in blogs by providing labels to   blog posts.

Google Earth:

Enables us to search location on earth through pinpoint with the help  of the satellites.

Google Moon:

Provides A full 3d view of the moons surface With two other options which are infrared and Appolo view in which one can see human visitor it arose.

Google Products

Google Mars :

Google Mars Provides An infrared imagery view of Mars.

Google Sky :

With Google Sky we can see the universe in different ways.

Google Latitude:

Google Latitude can help you to Search your missing friend directly on a map can help in various ways.

Google Crises Map:

Map indicating weather, hazards, and emergency preparedness and response in various countries, but is mostly for the public of  the US.

Google Flights:

Helps you in Choosing flight service, according to  the fare and destination which helps us to save time in   getting a lot of information from one site   instead of  roaming each individual air transport sites.

Google Transit:

Helps us to Plan a trip using public transportation services almost everywhere in the world.

Google Hotel Finder:

Instead of viewing the individual site of every Hotel Google hotel brings us opportunity to browse many hotels from one place and decide your room on   lowest rates .

Google History:

Google History Keeps Logs Of Each and every Keyword you typed in the search bar and the sites you visited to show you targeted advertisement and also   to show you better results on Google search by viewing your Web browsing history.

Google Chrome:

A popular browser that combines search engine and   other applications to surf on the web faster, With the   availability to diagnose sites.

Google Chrome Sync:

It’s a sync tool to make backup or transfer your data   between different devices.

Google Chromecast:

Cast your chosen media from your phone or tablet   to your television (TV).

Google Cloud Platform:

Helps developers to build, test and deploy their   applications on Google’s reliable  and highly scalable   infrastructure.

Google Cloud Print:

Google Cloud Print is a technology that connects your printers and scanners securely to the web to gain a hard copy of your client’s order or other, and   in   yet mostly being used in Banks,

Google Safe Browsing:

Check URLs on Google’s constantly updated lists of   suspected malware and phishing pages.

Google Browser Size:

A Simple tool to show the percentage of web which   users can look at different places on a website   without having to scroll.

Google Bookmarks:

Google Bookmarks is an online service that enables   you to save your favorite web applications and various sites with the service to attach labels   and comments   for differentiating or to enable us to remember the   purpose of bookmark. You can Also check out, the Google Bookmark Manager.


Blogger is a free publishing tool for writers which   can help them sharing whatever they want with the   world.

Google FeedBurner:

Enables Podcasters and bloggers to manage their RSS feeds.

Google Sites:

Sites. Google is a free and Easy way to create and   publish beautiful bank/school/laboratory sites etc, for free.

G Suite:

Set of apps as a service for getting business email   followed by information sharing and security tips   and domain purchasing.

Google Domains:

Provides a service to purchase domains for our sites.

Google Search Console:

Allows Publisher’s and other site owners to make   their site searchable in google search engine with the   tips to improve errors in various parts of a   site.

Google Page Speed Insights:

Google Page Speed Insight Helps Web developers or webmasters to diagnose and solve their Site’s performance for free.

Think With Google:

It’s Google’s source used for insights,  trends, research, digital marketing and other tools.

Google Products


Recaptcha is an advanced security and a free service that protect our sites from spam and abuse.

Google Tag Manager:

Google Tag Manager made it easy for marketers to add and update website tags, including conversion tracking, site analytics, Remarketing etc.  without editing code.

Google Survey:

Google Survey Enables Us to ask for visitors on site for certain questions, which can improve productivity.

Google Analytics:

Google analytics make it easy to find the most relevant results about how and people landed on your site   which can help you improve site ranking.

Google Correlate:

Helps you in analyzing the habits of people search   in various countries to search on keywords.

Google Music Timeline:

The Music Timeline is based on album and artist statistics aggregated which comes from Google Play Music. It defines popularity by how many users   have an artist or album in their music library.

Android Wear:

Android Wear smart watches let you track your   messages, notifications/alerts and fitness, you can   use many other services too, just after wearing a   simple watch on your wrist.

Google Chrome book:

A modern computer that can help you easily and   quickly accomplish your home/office tasks.

Google Chromebook Pixel:

A new generation laptop that combines great logic of   hardware and software to help you to accomplish   various tasks smoothly.

Google Glass:

Google Glass is a Glass like gadget which enables the  owner to remember people, get instant  notifications, Get maps right in the head-mounted   display (HMD).

Google VR:

Google VR stands for google virtual reality. As you   should have ever seen 3d glasses, but what if   someone provide you a whole set to take you in the   virtual world.

Google Daydream View:

A VR headset that is easy to wear, with controller   and is simple to use.

Google Cardboard:

The Google cardboard is a product of Google virtual   reality (VR) it’s simple, fun, and affordable.

Google Tilt Brush:

Tilt-Brush enables you to paint in 3D space with   virtual reality (VR).

Google Contact Lens:

A smart contact lens project by Google which can   help to remember any person, but it has many other   features too like turning the page of e-book   from    blinking or moving your eyes.


Waymo stands for what you made of. Waymo is a self driving car made by Google in 2016.

Google Fi:

Project Fi is a mobile virtual network operator   service owned by Google, providing wireless phone   and data services using Wi-Fi and cellular   networks, which belongs to Sprint, T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular, and   Three.

Google Fiber:

Google Fiber is a broadband internet connection   service which starts with a speed that is 100 times faster than many other broadband.

Google Nexus:

Efficient Smart Phone and Tablets.Google manages the design, marketing , development , and support of these devices. While Manufacturing were   carried by the OEM.

Google Pixel  and Pixel 2:

Android smartphones made by Google From top to bottom.Available in google store.

Google On Hub:

The new Google Wifi system which provides a different way to improve our wireless network.Which delivers fast connectivity to every room and every   device.

Google Loon:

Google Loons are Baloons which are travelling on the edge of Earth to provide internet connectivity to rural areas or those who are struggling from   disasters.


Android was designed as the operating system for smart phones And is now most popular operating system in the world, holds by 81% of the world’s   population.

Google Fuchsia:

Fuchsia is built on the Zircon Kernel Platform,  Armadillo serves as the default system UI for  Fuchsia. Fuchsia builds a much larger OS on top of  this   foundation.

Armadillo User-interface UI:

The armadillo is inspired by the Material Design  language from the Android versions of today, The  latest operating system released by Google named   as  Fuchsia is hosting it successfully.


Zircon is the core platform that powers the Fuchsia  OS. Zircon is composed of a micro-kernel as well as a  small set of aerospace services, drivers,   and  libraries necessary for the system to boot, talk to  hardware, load userspace processes and run them, etc.

Google Chromium:

The Chromium project includes Chromium and   Chromium OS, an open source project behind the   Google Chrome browser and Google Chrome OS.

Dart Programming Language:

The dart is a programming language originally   developed by Google. It is approved as a standard by   ECMA-408.It is used to develop websites, servers    and mobile  phone’s application.

Google Go:

Google Go is an open source programming language  that enables programmers to easily develop simple  reliable and efficient software.

Google Developers:

Google developers got the most basics covered at all   in one place, offering wide range of tools for us to   build high quality apps, quickly and reliably   as   possible.

Google One Today:

Google Efforts to give us opportunities to help Needy people because of various disasters.

Google ad Grants:

Google ad Grants are For non-profit organization  which works to really help others Google ad grants  allows them to easily advertise their stories and    Reasons to attract more volunteers and Donations.

Google Ventures (GV):

Google Ventures are working as a business investor in the fields of  life science, healthcare, artificial intelligence, robotics, transportation, cyber   security, and agriculture.

Android TV:

Android TV delivers a world of apps, contents  and   new/old games directly in your hands.

Google Express:

Google Express is an online Market that connects   shoppers with popular retailers in the world to get   the best price.

Google Play Store:

Google App store for android where developers release their apps of any type in just 25$.

Google Store:

Official Google Store for Google devices and accessories. Like pixel,  chromebook, nexus, google day view etc.

Android Pay:

The simple, easy and secure way to pay with Android   phones, purchasing apps on pastor could never be possible without it.

Google Checkout:

Enables you to Purchase and track all orders across online web stores.

Google Wallet:

Google wallet saves your time when purchasing   items from online stores and is a secure online wallet   which lives in your cell phone.


Allows you to mail your friends, family or office   staff the mail can include .Zip, .Pdf, .XLs act files and is   the most secure platform for mailing yet.

Google Inbox:

An inbox created for Gmail is an  app for Android,   iOS, and Google Chrome. Inbox is an organized place to read and know the reasons of mails thrown   to your inbox, with many other features.

Google Apps Message Encryption (GAME):

From GAME  we can securely communicate with business partners and customers. G Suite customers can predefine security policies to trigger   encryption of sensitive information in their outbound email communication.

Google Adsense:

Place Google ads on your site to let you earn. Google   Adsense is most popular and stable solution to   monetize your site it also enables you to block   ads on   your site to maintain your site’s attraction.


Promote and monetize your Android apps with ads to   make revenue.


Ad technology to transact, make and manage digital   advertising for the world purchase, Publishers and   creators.

Google Ad Planner:

A free ad planning tool that can help you identify   websites your audience is likely to visit so you can   make better-informed advertising decisions.

Google AdWords:

Helps you to promote your site/product online and you will have to only pay when people click on your ad. Irrelevant clicks will be given back.

Google My Business:

Enables You to tell google about your business, where you delivers goods, Goods categories, your site URL or get new site etc.

Google Consumer Surveys:

Google Surveys quickly analyzes your survey data   and delivers it in easy to navigate graphs,   demographic segmentations, and cross-tabs so you     can easily draw insights that can help your business   thrive.

Google Affiliate Network:

Online marketing company to  specialize in pay for   performance media.

Google Display Network:

Makes advertising on websites to promote your business, easy and effective.


Enables you to Share your videos with the world and   earn revenue by monetizing it.

YouTube Red:

YouTube red enables you to surf on YouTube without   watching or wasting time in advertisements.

YouTube TV:

Enables us to stream on live channels without DVR storage limits.

YouTube Kids:

A YouTube designed For Kid to disable them from watching adult contents or advertisements.

Google Plus:

Google+ is the alternative to Jaiku, which Google   bought before to make a social media app which   works like twitter and it aims to make sharing   easier.

Google Newsletter:

Google News Letter helps you in email marketing  and some other tools with mail theme designs etc.

Google News Lab:

Google news collaborates with journalists and interpreters to deliver the latest news right in your smartphone no matter where you are.

Google Currents:

Currents enables us share our thoughts and opinions   on local happenings with other people in our area.  No  need of worrying about whether people   follow  us or  not.

Google Duo:

Google social media app to make high quality video-  call to  your loved ones.

Google Allo:

It is a smart messaging app that helps us to make our   conversation easier, more productive and more expressive by adding images and  doodles in  our conservation.

Google Groups:

Google Groups are a place where people discuss about  their problems and try to help other’s.

Google Hangouts:

Hangouts helps you to chat and call your  friends.With many other features.

Google Answers:

Google Answers enables users to seek help from   researchers with expertise in online searching.

Google Moderator:

Google Moderator enables us to create a discussion about anything that we are interested in discussing and open it up for people to submit questions,   ideas, or suggestions.

Google About me:

Google about me helps you to Control what can   people see about you.

Google Account Activity:

Help you to get a summary of your account activity for   many Google products on monthly bases.

Google Alerts:

Google Alerts are updates of the latest relevant   Google results (web, news, etc.) sent by email based   on your query or topic.

Google Calendar:

Keeps the track of all your life’s important events   like birthdays, little league games, doctor’s appointments, reunions etc. all in one place.

Google Contacts:

Similar to an online address book, the Contact   Manager provides you an easy access way to add people   to your contacts and reach them whenever   you want. E-mails are automatically added in Google   contacts From your Gmail Contact history.

Zygote Body:

Zygote Body is a google made body of a human in a   detailed in the 3D model.

Google Mobile:

Tips and Tricks to Alter your phone with free Google products.

Google Map Contributor:

An Opportunity To Contribute To Google Maps And   Earn Points.From which you can avail free google   drive space up to one TB and Get the Updates   Firstly, when Google will publish a new product which   may be in Beta and could offer money if you finds a   bug And a chance to be hired as a person   who reviews applications For Google.

Google Creative Lab 5:

Google’s effort to find and appoint the fresh talent.

Google Design:

Google Design is a cooperative effort led by a group   of designers, writers, and developers at Google. We   work across teams to create content and   produce   events that showcase Google’s design work and   champion innovators in their field.

Google Classroom:

Designed hand in hand from teachers to help them save time in teaching their students, keep classes   organized, and improves communication with   their   students.

Google Cultural Institute:

Google cultural history can help you in   acknowledging about the stories and culture of and   land. From it without doubt you can get stories of all     around the world right in your hands.

Google Digital Garage:

Free online tutorials from Google for almost   everything from our website to online marketing   and more.

Google Squared:

Squared Online is suitable for a wide-group, anyone from entrepreneurs to brand marketers who are looking to up-skill in digital marketing.

Google For Education:

The web organized in educational directories by topics into categories.

Google Scholar:

Google Scholar provides a simple way to search for scholarly literature. You can search for articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from   academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.

Google Dictionary:

Free and updated dictionary for everyone.

Google Dashboard -My accounts:

Google dashboard enables you to realize and edit   your whole account usage history at once and easily.

Google Desktop:

Google Desktop enables you to search on your   computer as easily as you search on Google search on   the web, You can even provide full text to   search over in   your emails, musics, files, photos and many more.

Google Docs:

Free Word-Processor and spreadsheet viewer that   allows us to collaborate and view office files online.

Google Drive:

Offers Free 5 GB of Cloud Storage to backup your   personal/office data.

Android Auto:

Android Auto shows the right information for the roads on a map to help drivers who don’t know the route to reach their destination easily.

Google Finance:

Offers a broad range of information about mutual   funds, stocks and other companies.

Google Fit:

An open platform that enables users to control and  take care of  their fitness.

Google Fonts:

Google Fonts is a directory of thousands of  hosted  open source, light weight and optimized font for the  web.

Google Fusion Tables:

With google fusion table. We can easily upload data  sets from KML, CSV and spreadsheets, and can  visualize the data using a variety of powerful   tools.  We can also merge data from multiple tables and  conduct detailed discussions about the data.

Google Helpouts :

Enables us to seek help from experts on a video call.

Google Health:

Puts you in charge of your health   information.

Google Home:

Hands free help from the Google Assistant which works with our voice and helps us to Get answers, play songs, tackle our day, enjoy our  entertainment  and control our smart home.

Google Ideas:

Google Ideas help in connecting its users, experts and engineers conduct research and invent new technology driven initiatives.

Google Input Tools:

From Google Input Tools you can give your Input in any language which you can understand.Which also helps you to show related sites focused on   same language.

Google Keep:

From Google Keep we can instantly create and organize your notes with pictures,videos and text etc.

Google Local Business Center:

Help your business to get found online, Google business is an ideal way to help your local customers to find you.

Get Your Business Online with Google:

Get Your business online (GYBO) aims of increasing the web presence of small businesses and cities by providing free advice on search engine and   helping business owners update their information on Google for free.

Google Maps & Google Map Maker:

Can Helps Us in searching local business near us related to our needs easily.

Google Maps Smarty Pins:

A Google Map based Game Focusing on culture, entertainment and Knowledge Gaining.

Google Sheets And Slides:

Helps us to Work on spreadsheets/presentations from any device like creating, editing, and collaborating with others on spreadsheets from your   phone or tablet.

Google Beta Tester:

Help Google to find bugs in their new unpublished or sometimes even unstable apps.

Google Now Launcher:

A Launcher for Android devices for a fast and clean home screen that takes Google Now just a swipe away.

Google Research:

Google researchers tackle the most challenging problems in Computer Science and related fields on which they publish hundreds of research papers   each year.

Google Code:

The Google code is for external developer platform who are   interested in  the development fields related to google.

Think with Google:

Helps us to Uncover the latest marketing research and digital trends with data reports, guides, infographics, and articles.

Google X:

Google X is an American secret research and development facility founded by Google.

Google Patents:

Helps us to Search and read the full text of patents from around the world with Google Patents, and find prior art in index of non-patent literature.

Google Person Finder:

Google Person Finder helps people reconnect with family and loved ones after natural or human disasters.

Google Photos:

Google Photos is the online silo for all of our photos.

Google Play Movies:

Find the newest movies and TV shows to buy or rent.

Google Play Music:

Google Play Music enables us to run and share .mp3 files from our android.

Google Play Newsstand:

Google Play Newsstand is a personalized news reader that provides a single destination for browsing news sources, news sources, topics, and   magazines we care about.

Google Public DNS:

Google public DNS is a free DNS resolution service provided by google and can be used as alternative to ISP provided service But you can lose   connection to your local ISP provided portal if using it.

Google URL Shortener:

Google URL Shortener(goo.gl) is a google service to share websites easily with friends or family etc.


Google.org works to extend the reach of nonprofit innovators and connect them with a unique blend of support that includes funding, tools, and   volunteers from around Google.

Google Scribe:

Google scribe notes, whatever you’ve already typed in your documents, and suggests related words or phrases to complete your typing.Google Scribe   was created in 2010.

Google SketchUp:

Google Sketchup helps us in creating, modifying and sharing 3D models.

Google Street View:

Provides a clear street view to Visit the world from your computer.

Google Sunroof:

Google Sunroof is a calculator which tells you the estimated saving by the bill.

Google Sync:

Enables synchronizing on Google services to our phone, tablets, and desktop programs so that we can always access what’s important.

Google Takeout:

Google Takeout supports us to download a copy of data from various Google products and services.

Google Tango:

Tango lets you see more of your world. By making imaginary objects in your room or anywhere to help you making a decision or play around.

Google Tasks:

Tasks help manage your to-do lists.You can access Google Tasks through your Google account.

Google Transliteration:

Google’s Transliteration helps us to translate the web pages in our local or understandable language.

Google Translate:

Free online language translator provided by Google just type |your word |meaning in | local language|.

Google Trends:

Google Trends can help us in various ways, but its primary object is to tell its user about what is trending in different countries.

Google Voice:

Google Voice provides us one number for all of our phones, voicemail, etc., with lower rates for international calling.

Google Gadgets:

They are dynamic web content that can be embedded on our web page/s. Gadgets were developed by Google and third-party developers using the Google Gadgets API.

Google Web Toolkit:

GWT is an open source set of tools that allows web developers to create and maintain complex JavaScript front-end applications in Browser.

Google WiFi:

Wifi enables us to stream into the living room or play games in the playroom without a battle for bandwidth.

IG Portal:

(IG) Portal is personalized home page where you can Add news, weather, photos and other stuff from across the web to your page.


A Blogging platform built specially for the people living in Korea.

The Physical Web:

The Physical Web is an open approach to help us quickly and seamlessly interact with physical objects.


VirusTotal is a free online service that analyzes files and URLs, enabling the identification of viruses, worms, trojans and other   kinds of malicious content detected by antivirus engines and website scanners.


Waze is the world’s largest community based on traffic and navigation app. You can join other drivers in your area who share real-time traffic and road info, saving everyone’s time and gas money on their daily commute.


WebP is a modern image compressor that provides super lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. WebP lossy images are 25-34% smaller than comparable JPEG images.


It is a free and open project that enables browsers and mobile applications with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple APIs.

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