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Mac Safari tricks and tips you better know!

As we all know Apple is a giant and it always brings some new and amazing features to it’s products. Be it the MACbook, or be it the iPhone or be it the iMAC or be it the iOS.
So as you already know Safari is one of the greatest browsers as well out there and it also works pretty nice. You can visit the websites which you feel like irritating in safari and they would look like a charm. That’s safari and also the screenshot taking capacity of safari and the history tags are just simply awesome.

Mac Safari tricks and tips

Here are some mac safari tricks and tips which will get you to understand and use mac safari in a more friendlier and effective way. Here comes some of my favorite mac safari tricks and tips to get more out of Safari.

  • Tabs
    Thanks to the efforts, Safari has tabbed browsing built in, right out of the box. I think to appease the long time proponents of this idea it is turned off by default, and requires a quick checkbox click in the Preferences pane. Here are some shortcuts for dealing with tabs:
    Command click on a link : open a website in a new tab
    Command + T : New tab
    Command + Shift + [ or ] : Switch between tabs
    Option + Tab close : Strangely this closes all tabs except the one you clicked
  • Email a link
    While shortcuts like this are pretty much rendered redundant with amazing uses of service or other scripted hacks, I still find myself doing it. Press Command – CTRL – Iand Safari will open your default mail app and dump the URL of the page you were on smack into a new email.
  • Webdev
    With a plethora of killer extensions and plugins, Firefox really is the web developer’s browser of choice when hashing out layouts. Having said that Fox is more than a little crash happy and a serious memory pig when loaded up with 3rd party plugins. Just over a year ago the guys at Surfin’ Safari added the Web Inspector to their nightly builds of Webkit, the browser engine behind Safari. It’s a bit of a pain to configure Web Inspector but what you get are some fairly handy tools for debugging and working with your HTML. The stand out feature is the ability to drill down into your code hierarchy with a handy node view interface. The same interface can be used to drill down into your CSS styles, or search your code for elements of interest. I’ll say right now that it is nowhere near as useful as Firefox’s Web Developer extension, but it’s a step in the right direction.

  • SnapBack
    If you’re a web slob like me you surf hard and fast with a dozen tabs open at once. Even if you don’t it’s easy to forget just where you saw that special item you needed so bad only 5 minutes previous. Of course you could feverishly click the back button until it surfaces, or you could try History > Mark Page to set a SnapBack point. Then when you want to get back to where you were just hit the SnapBack button in Safari’s address bar, and presto your there.  
  • Bookmarks
    I found this thanks to a tip on the Apple Blog. Safari has a unique ability to move from sites in your Bookmarks by using Command + number. This really speeds up my daily browsing habits as I assign Command + 1 to open Gmail, 2 opens Google Reader, 3 opens my eBay auctions etc. The numbers are assigned automatically based on their position in your Bookmark Bar, with left being 1. There is really tons of commentary on getting the best out of Safari. Hit Command + Option + F to quickly highlight the Google search box to search for more juicy tidbits. Also be sure to check out Apple’s official safari shortcuts page for more time savers.mac-safari-tricks-and-tips

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