Here are 60 awesome features or google chrome tricks which will amaze you knowing that Google Chrome is what all about.
The first 10 of them can be found HERE. Read and know the first 10 tricks.
The next 20 of them can be found HERE. Read and know the next 20 tricks.
The chromium browser is simply awesome if you know how to use it and how to make the most out of it. So go ahead and apply these you will be amazed to know about these features:
- Use it as a calculator for basic calculation. Try typing 4*10 now!
- Open chrome://plugins to manage Chrome plugins. Note: These are not extensions. You will see the inbuilt PDF viewer, Native client and Flash etc here.
- Open chrome://flags to explore experimental features. These are the features that Google is getting ready for future versions of Chrome. To test these out, you can click Enable next to the experiment and restart Chrome.
- Right click within the omnibox and select Edit Search Engines to change your default search engine or add a custom search engine.
- chrome://restart gives you an easy way to restart Chrome
- chrome://bookmarks opens bookmarks manager.
- Type in about:crash or about:kill to know how a crashed page looks like!
- chrome://settings opens up settings
- Open chrome://sync-internals/ view information related to Chromesync.
- chrome://chrome-urls/ lists all available chrome:// URLs , explore it!
- Â Drag Files to Attach and Upload (works on Gmail, Picasa, Facebook and Dropbox etc)
-  Drag Downloaded Files to Desktop – Drag files from the downloads bar (the one that come up on the bottom of Chrome while you download a file and after downloading) to desktop or any other folder you want to move it to.
- Â Drag Text To Omnibox To Search (Try this now! select some text on this page, and drag it to the omnibox, to open Google search on the current tab.
- Drag Text To Tab Bar To Search In New Tab:Â Drag it to the omnibar, that is the area above the addressbar next to the mew tab button, to open search in a new tab.
- Drag Links To omnibox to open them in the current tab.
- Drag Links to Tab Bar To Open In New Tab
- Drag and drop files from your computer to Chrome addressbar to open with Chrome. This works with PDF files, images and html files.
- Drag Links to Bookmarks Bar to Add Them To Bookmark
- Drag a thumbnail from the Most Visited section of the new tab page to Apps section to create a new app for it. (They are redesigning the new tab page, so we might see this changing soon)
- Hold Ctrl and click tabs to select multiple tabs and drag them away to make a new window with all selected tabs.
- To search scripts, stylesheets and snippets by filename you can use:Â * Ctrl + O (Windows)Â * Cmd + O (Mac OSX)
- To perform a text search within the current file you can use:Â * Ctrl + F (Windows)Â * Cmd + F (Mac OSX)
- To do a text search across all files you can use:Â * Ctrl + Shift + F (Windows)Â * Cmd + Opt + F (Max OSX)
- If you need to dig down deeper, it’s possible to filter for or navigate to a particular JavaScript function/method or CSS rule when viewing a file using: * Ctrl + Shift + O (Windows) * Cmd + Shift + O (Mac OSX)
- The tools also support going to a specific line-number within the Sources editor. To launch the line number dialog when viewing a file you can use:Â * Ctrl + L (Windows)Â * CMD + L (Mac OSX)
- On the Dev Console (Ctrl + Shift + J) try pasting the following code. console.log(‘%c
Woohoo!’, ‘font-size: 300%’). You can do  do some cool stuff with %c. Play with more text and css etc! - Hold Shift while you refresh, for more refresh options.
- On the Javascript console, click the { } icon to view minified javacript with better formatting (unminify)
- You can do an audit of the code to see things like unused CSS rules. From the developer tools panel, open the Audits tab. Make sure that Audit Present State is selected, and hit Run
- $0Â to inspect selected element in console
I am a 33-year-old gentleman from a lower-middle-class family hailing from a small village Narasinghpur in Cuttack, Odisha, INDIA. I have a post-graduate degree in M.Tech from BITS Pilani. I started blogging back in June 2014. You can check out my journey and all that I have learnt all these years on my website.