Odisha the poorest state in India has done a fantastic job to handle the novel Coronavirus effectively. The CM of the state Mr. Naveen Patnaik and other cabinet ministers of the state have decided to extend the lockdown till the 30th of April 2020. It was declared on the 09th of April that the lockdown is extended.
They also have taken the liberty to inform the central government to consider doing so or at least decide to defer flights and trains. Doing so not only will ensure the contamination is under control, but also will make sure to have a positive impact on people’s personal lives.
Odisha being the first state in the country to do so, shows the world how to handle a pandemic. There are only 50 odd people affected by the virus which are confirmed in the state. But despite being the poorest, the state did not bother about the economy or the cash income of the tax payers.
What was important was the lives of people and which is what every state should be doing. Odisha health department has also shared the data in their website where you can refer to see what are the measures that have been taken by the state.
We would have to wait for few more days to see whether the central government is in the agreement of the move initiated by Odisha government or they stick to the original plan of lockdown till the 14th of April 2020. We will wait and see.
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I am a 33-year-old gentleman from a lower-middle-class family hailing from a small village Narasinghpur in Cuttack, Odisha, INDIA. I have a post-graduate degree in M.Tech from BITS Pilani. I started blogging back in June 2014. You can check out my journey and all that I have learnt all these years on my website.